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IOM3 members elected to RAEng Fellowship in 2024

New Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering this year include four members of IOM3


Dynamic between energy transition and materials 'challenges industry'

McKinsey launches inaugural Global Materials Perspective, highlighting the new phase of the energy transition where 'costs, complexity, challenges and trade-offs are beginning to play out'.

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Tuneable materials give counterfeiters a run for their money

A multi-layered, anti-counterfeiting approach from inventors at Western University, Canada, creates markings that are purportedly much harder to forge.


Cornish Lithium's project receives national significance status

The British miner's Trelavour Hard Rock project near St Austell in Cornwall has been deemed as 'nationally significant'.

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Cork-based waterproof coating for fibre food packaging

The cork of oak and beech trees is being used to produce a multifunctional coating for fibre-based food packaging.

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Aimee's Road to Chartership - Part 3

Aimee Goodall CEng CSci FIMMM concludes her journey towards her Chartered Engineer qualification through the Technical Report Route (TRR).

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3D printing a natural-material flooring panel

A 3D-printed, single-piece of natural-material floor panel is strong enough to replace construction materials like steel, say designers in the USA.


Trade body warns of loss of tin cans from EPR packaging scheme

The Metal Packaging Manufacturers Association (MPMA) fears metal packaging costs will increase.

Chair of IOM3Pride

Vice-President of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

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Port Talbot deal - first steps to changed steel industry

A deal has been agreed for the Port Talbot site, as the new UK Government works on a Steel Strategy.

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Whitehaven coal mine quashed by High Court

A High Court judge has ruled that mine plans are ‘legally flawed’.


Electrochemically removing copper from steel to aid recycling

Recycling steel with electro-refining has been demonstrated by the University of Toronto, Canada, and Tenova Goodfellow.


Materials Science and Technology Vol. 40, No. 13, out now

Laser shock peening, laser metal deposition and laser butt welding are among the process discussed in this latest release.

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Plan to secure industrial future of Grangemouth as oil refinery ends

The UK and Scottish Governments have responded to Petroineos’ decision to close Grangemouth oil refinery.

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Zero-waste economy needs ‘clear policy pathway’

In an open letter to the UK Government, SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK, outlines its recommendations to meet environmental targets.

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Case for global learning – a pathway to responsible mining?

The initiative calls for learning about the wider world to be higher profile across education.

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IOM3 hosts AGM 2024

The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining, held on 10 September, is now available to watch on-demand.

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UK metals sector calls for a new Minister for Manufacturing

The UK Metals Council's annual report called on the government to introduce a dedicated political power to represent their interests in Whitehall.

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Breaking through - what next for the mining industry?

A panel of experts considered some of the main hurdles facing the mining industry over the next decade at a recent IOM3 event.

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