Education & Outreach Trust

Funding to support initiatives which develop interest, recognise excellence and support professional development in the materials cycle

The IOM3 Education & Outreach Trust was formed by the amalgamation of a number of historical restricted funds and was granted charitable status at the end of 2022.  

The purpose of the Trust is to offer support to initiatives that raise awareness of and support members in the early stages of a career in the materials cycle.  There are three streams of funding which involve activities that develop interest, recognise excellence and support professional development in the materials cycle.


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Developing interest in materials, minerals & mining

Supporting initiatives to inspire the next generation of materials cycle professionals.

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Student & Apprentice Awards

Awarded to IOM3 members that have recently completed a qualification or apprenticeship in a materials, minerals or mining related field.

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Grants & Bursaries

Supporting learning & knowledge exchange.


You are welcome to make a donation to the IOM3 Education & Outreach Trust to support our activities that develop interest, recognise excellence and support professional development in the materials cycle. Simply click below and our team will be happy to help you.

Make a donation

For more information about the IOM3 Education & Outreach Trust please contact the team.

Get in touch