Policy news & IOM3 comment

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IOM3 hosts AGM 2024

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UK renews overseas science links


Bid for UK battery recycling


Call for UK climate education

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CIWM issues policy blueprint

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IOM3 publishes energy transition policy paper

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Critical Minerals Industry Taskforce report published


UK Foreign Affairs Committee calls for Critical Mineral targets

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UK battery strategy released

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IOM3 letter contributes to university updating careers policy

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IOM3 responds to Government Autumn Statement

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IOM3 responds to Queen’s Speech 2022

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UK Government sets out EPR plan

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IOM3 responds to Government Spring Statement

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IOM3 responds to IPCC report on the climate crisis

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POST release report on mining and the sustainability of metals

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Government releases levelling up white paper

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IOM3 follow up on Select Committee hearing on plastic waste

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Environment Bill becomes law

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IOM3 welcomes the UK Heat and Buildings Strategy

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IOM3 responds to packaging consultations

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IOM3 responds to Queen’s Speech

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Chancellor launches 2021 budget for the UK


IOM3 welcomes Energy White Paper


IOM3 responds to Comprehensive Spending Review

IOM3 responds to Government Resource and Waste Strategy Consultations