19 September 2024
by Hassan Akhtar AIMMM

UN Panel promotes equitable mineral value chains for the energy transition

The recommendations aim to ‘advance fairness and justice across critical energy transition mineral value chains’.

© Unsplash/Jonathan Ansel Moy de Vitry

The UN Secretary-General’s Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals recommends a high-level expert advisory group within the UN, a global traceability framework, a fund for legacy mines, empowering artisanal and small-scale miners, and strengthening material efficiency and circularity.

Justice and equity are key terms in the new report, titled Resourcing the energy transition: principles to guide critical energy transition minerals towards equity and justice.

Copper, lithium, nickel, cobalt and rare-earth elements are listed as critical minerals.

The ‘how-to’ guide also highlights the potential developing countries have with these resources, but ‘without proper management’, this may be lost, with the principles listed building upon existing regulations that countries have already committed to.

Referenced in the report is International Energy Agency data that states mineral demand is expected to almost triple by 2030.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres says, ‘As next steps, I have asked the Co-Chairs and Panel to consult and share the report and its recommendations with Member States and other stakeholders ahead of COP29 later this year.’


Hassan Akhtar AIMMM