3 February 2021

Member’s Benevolent Trust (MBT) – Can we help?

The MBT can help where support is needed due to bereavement, illness, reduced circumstances or social distress, providing personal contacts, advice and/or financial grants.

The appropriate level of help is assessed, in complete confidence, by the Board of the MBT. However, the MBT cannot provide legal advice or major long-term assistance.

Assistance can be on a one-off or an ongoing basis, for specific items in times of need or hardship, or for financial help. For example, grants may be made to assist with medical aids and adaptations, respite breaks, general household needs, furniture, security installations, clothing, school uniforms, school travel grants, and other one-off exceptional items which may be required as a result of hardship or need. All grants are discretionary and are awarded in good faith on the evidence submitted.

Anyone in need who is, or has been for more than two years, either a paid-up member or a current or former permanent employee of IOM3 is eligible for MBT support. This extends to members of any bodies that have merged with, or been absorbed by, the Institute, and spouses, widows, widowers, parents, children, grandchildren, or dependants of an eligible person. If you meet these criteria, you are eligible to apply for financial assistance from the trust. In the first instance, please email MBT in confidence and you will be sent a standard application form. Once completed and returned, a case number will be allocated to ensure complete anonymity and separation from IOM3.

Examples of support that the MBT has provided:

  • Paid medical fees for essential surgery
    "Thank you very much for helping me. MBT assistance helped me focus on my recovery which is going well"
  • Contributed to interview expenses for unemployed members during their search for employment
  • Provided assistance with legal fees for an ill retired member
    "Many thanks to all those involved in organising this very generous gesture"
  • Purchased a new bed to facilitate continuing care of a member's widow
    "Thank you so much for agreeing to meet the cost of the bed; please convey these sentiments to all the MBT trustees"
  • Paid IOM3 membership fees for members temporarily out of work or retired and on low income
  • Made regular payments to retired members and a former employee in hardship
    "Thank you to the MBT for granting me regular payments. What a difference this is going to make for me!"
  • Assisted with the purchase of new, lighter mobility scooters
    "This has really made a massive difference to me, and made me independently mobile again"
  • Helped the daughter of a deceased member in financial difficulty with rent arrears
    "With the Trust's generosity an enormous weight has been lifted; I could not otherwise have ever managed"
  • Provided financial support for medical expenses for the family of an overseas member
  • Assisted a member with living expenses during PhD studies
  • Supported members' widows with additional help at Christmas
    "Thank you for your continued care and generosity to Mum. She loves any links to Dad"
    "It's so nice to be remembered and to have treats at the festive season"