Elastomers in the Age of PFAS & 6PPD


The IOM3 Elastomer Group's Afternoon Technical Discussion Meeting series is the main platform for the technical and scientific community in the UK to discuss the use of rubber and elastomers.

Join us for an insightful afternoon at the Elastomers in the Age of PFAS & 6PPD Technical Discussion Meeting hosted by IOM3 in London. This event will focus on the challenges and advancements related to the use of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and 6PPD in elastomer applications.

This technical discussion meeting will provide a platform for industry professionals, researchers, and experts to explore the environmental and health impacts of PFAS and 6PPD in elastomers. Engage in detailed discussions, share knowledge, and gain insights into regulatory changes, alternative materials, and innovative solutions.

Agenda Highlights:

  • Presentations on the latest research regarding PFAS and 6PPD in elastomers
  • Case studies on managing PFAS and 6PPD challenges in manufacturing
  • Q&As to encourage interactive dialogue

This meeting is ideal for professionals involved in elastomer production, environmental health and safety, regulatory compliance, and research and development. Stay informed about the critical issues and emerging solutions in the age of PFAS and 6PPD.


Martin Cicognani - Vultac® as a grafting agent for NR/EPDM – 6PPD replacement

This presentation demonstrates one possible route to an alternative solution if 6PPD becomes non viable as a product going forward, by demonstrating how specific phenolic based resins can improve by a type of grafting mechanism, the blending of NR and EPDM, to enhance ozone resistance.

Nithin Kuncheria - PFAS from a rubber compounder’s perspective

With the recent news on the proposal of an EU-wide PFAS ban, presented by ECHA, there has been much debate in the wider industry to classify fluoropolymers as PFAS of low concern given their nontoxic/non-bio-accumulative nature. However, the use of concerning fluoro-surfactants in their manufacturing has complicated this. Clwyd has been working with FKM suppliers and customers to evaluate the transition to fluoropolymer versions manufactured with non-fluorosurfactants, mitigating the risks of the proposal. Recent updates on PFAS concerning FKMs and evaluations for alternatives with careful adjustment of formulations will be discussed along with our understanding from the wider industry in terms of applications for the future.

Erick Sharp - Screening Methodologies for 6PPD Alternatives

A review of analytical and dynamic analysis methodologies used to screen alternatives and mitigations of 6PPD. These methods evaluate both tire performance and toxicology reduction of alternatives on a laboratory scale.

Marjan Hemstede-van Urk - Responsible Elastomer Chemistry

The Responsible Chemistry Programme of ARLANXEO’s Sustainability Roadmap is discussed. This incorporates several projects to find improved alternatives for currently used chemicals in elastomer production including anti-oxidants.




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