Gold Sponsor Conference Dinner Sponsor      


Advances in Mining Technology & Mineral Supply will explore advances in technology, including artificial intelligence, at every step of the mining lifecycle and examine their interactions with strategic mineral supply to meet future demands for downstream materials.


Call for abstracts - Deadline extended 20 September 2024

Participants will have the opportunity to share their technical expertise and experiences via oral or poster presentation. Abstracts of up to 300 words are now being accepted for both oral and poster presentations. 

Preference will be given to papers with a clear focus on mining technology under any of the listed themes.



Who should attend

Anyone with an interest in mining technologies and innovation from:

  • Mine developers, operators and consultants
  • Mine suppliers, downstream manufacturers and end users
  • Academic researchers & university students
  • Regulators, science and engineering bodies
  • Local enterprise bodies, parliamentarians and policymakers local & national government bodies

The overall objective is to engage a wider audience in mining and for the conference to provide a destination for such stakeholders to change the face of the mining industry through technology.


Why you should attend

  • Get up to date with the latest technology applications and advances that will be essential to the future of mining, especially as new mineral sites come onstream to support UK needs for products and materials.
  • Understand the intrinsic links between mining technology, education, recruitment and professional development to stimulate interest in mining careers.
  • Demos or training on AI applications in mining.
  • Fantastic networking opportunities


Conference themes

  • UK Mineral Supply for Mining Developments        
  • Mine Exploration & Development
  • Mine Design, Mine Access & Mining Operations        
  • Mine Surveying, Monitoring & Management
  • Use of Data & 3D Modelling
  • Mineral Processing & Metallurgy
  • Mine Safety
  • Mine Rehabilitation & After uses
  • Artificial Intelligence Applications in Mining
  • Extended Reality (Virtual, Augmented & Mixed)
  • Technology Applications in UK Mining Projects (Case Studies)
  • Downstream Materials from Mined Products




This event is organised by IOM3 on behalf of the IOM3 Mining Technology Group