The Henry Royce Institute Award for Innovation by a Technical Professional

In recognition of the crucial impact that technical professionals make in advancing our technology and understanding of the materials world.

The Henry Royce Institute Award for Innovation by a Technical Professional

The Henry Royce Institute Award for Innovation by a Technical Professional recognises the crucial contribution that technical professionals make in advancing our technology and understanding of the materials world. The judges will be looking for an outstanding individual that has made a key contribution to a research project that has led to significant innovation in any aspect of materials science and engineering.

Nominees should be a non-academic, working within a UK-based materails resrach organisation, community or company, including national laboratories and universities.

Nominations must be submitted by the nominee’s colleague or line manager.

The winner will receive £500.

The award is administered by IOM3 on behalf of the Henry Royce Institute.

Award judging

The award is judged by a panel of judges appointed by the Henry Royce Institute.

Past winners

2024 Dr Peter Karstev Petrov, 2023 Dr Andrew M Smith

Nomination process

The following information is required to submit a nomination:

  • Nominee's title, full name, email address, IOM3 member grade (if applicable) and postnominals, company and position
  • Citation (500 words max) to support your nomination
  • Additional documentation (i.e. letters of support, CV, list of publications) to further support your nomination
  • Supporting statement (pdf format) on why the nominee should be considered for the award.

Please note you may save your nomination as a draft at any point during the process and complete at a later date.